Approaches To Assessment


I believe that assessment is a tool to measure development and to monitor my student’s performance. I also understand that we teach to assess but also assess to teach, one cannot be effective without the other. I value assessment not only to discover my student progress areas of improvement (what they need to achieve and how I can assist them to achieve these goals) but also to identify areas of improvement in my teaching. I create various opportunities (in order to cater for the diverse students) for formative assessment (including student-centered and self-centered opportunities) as I believe ongoing assessments allow me to ascertain areas of improvement early enough to have remedial actions-instead of addressing them after the result of a final summative assessment. I find that assessment coupled with prompt feedback contributes to deep learning as feedback helps students gain a deeper understanding of the subject. I also provide additional opportunities for my students to learn from their mistakes- by letting them repeat a task until they have mastered it. Even though I teach large groups I make sure that students receive feedback from their summative assessment within a week, so that they can learn while the material is still vivid in their minds. If they get a bad grade, they get feedback for more improvement, which encourages them to work harder. In my planning, I attempt to align diverse appropriate instructional activities and assessment tasks that result in students achieving the intended outcomes/objectives, whilst keeping in mind their individual learning style. I encourage my students to synthesize the information and not simply regurgitate the memorandum, as this results in surface learning, whereas my goal is for them to acquire significant knowledge: to understand and apply the knowledge they have acquired. That is why I show information in different ways, provide different assessment activities for students to show what they have learned and offer options that engage students and keep their interest. Students are given continuous feedback on different platforms from me, their peers, tutors, and supplemental instruction leaders. Not only do the students acquire skills and knowledge that they must apply beyond the classroom, but they are also presented with opportunities to practice those skills and get feedback. Students are rewarded (learners are announced and celebrated in class) for outstanding work, and this reward motivates them to work harder. This way of assessing has resulted in students collaborating, being creative, and enhancing their communication and critical thinking skills. And also organizing events like students’ award ceremony where well performing students are rewarded but also to encourage those who did not perform well.